Mowe Bay seal colony
Thursday 26 December 2019

With the increase of tourism activities at Mowe Bay it has become necessary to develop guidelines for tourism operators and guests visiting the Cape fur seal colony to avoid disturbance to the breeding colony. more >>
Christmas Newsletter
Wednesday 25 December 2019

The coastal lioness with two small cubs are still at large despite an extensive effort to locate them. An Early Warning logger was mounted at the Uniab Delta that will alert us if the lioness or any other lions fitted with EW collars approach the area. more >>
Newsletter December 2019
Friday 6 December 2019

The search for the coastal lioness and her two small cubs continued for a total of 21 days without success. Her known home range and frequented areas were covered several times. No tracks or other signs of the lioness were found. more >>
Newsletter November 2019
Friday 15 November 2019

NW Human-lion Conflict Management Plan - Road works and other Desert Lion news. more >>
Newsletter September & October 2019
Friday 4 October 2019

Due to the low rainfall and sparse distribution of prey throughout the northern Namib, lions have struggled to find sufficient food within their home ranges during the past five months. more >>
Lion movements in Brandberg and coastal areas
Sunday 22 September 2019

A total of 14 consecutive days were spent observing the resident lions in the southern section of the study area to update pride structures, genealogy tables & to assess their behaviour and movement patterns in relation to HLC. more >>
Lions in Obab/Uniab area - 12 July 2019
Friday 12 July 2019

An adult lioness from the central Obab/Uniab area is currently utilising the coastal zone to hunt seals. more >>
Ugab Lions
Monday 10 June 2019

The southern section of the study area in and around the Ugab River was covered from the coast to the farming area. more >>
Coastal Lions
Tuesday 19 February 2019

The return of lions to the Skeleton Coast and their utilisation of marine food resources is a significant development for the area. Results of the ongoing research and monitoring of the coastal lions were published in the Namibian Journal of Environment and Travel Africa. more >>