Extreme weather
Friday 24 July 2020
The Northern Namib experienced a prolonged period of heat, easterly winds and sandstorms that lasted for days on end. Working under theses conditions has been challenging and exhausting. Even the desert-adapted wildlife species appeared to struggle with the ongoing harsh conditions. Most of the grasses and herbs that germinated after the late rains in April/May 2020 were scorched by the heat and sandstorms. more >>
Breaking: Hoanib Lioness Xpl-69 died
Thursday 16 July 2020
Death of lioness Xpl-69 The Hoanib Floodplain lioness Xpl-69 died at the age of 13.5 years. Xpl-69 was the last direct descendant of the old lioness, the Queen (Xpl-10), and she was born in the Hoanib Floodplain on 1 February 2007. more >>
The Northern prides
Sunday 12 July 2020
The months of June and July has seen unusually extreme weather that fluctuated between southwesterly winds/sandstorms, hot east-wind storms and wind-still days. Most of the lion prides in the northern section of the study area struggled to find sufficient food and moved unusually long distances. more >>