Camera-trap data analysis
Sunday 24 September 2023

Recent advances in AI technology have enabled rapid analysis of vast amounts of camera-trap data. As with most computer/automated systems, the results are only as good as the attributes of the mathematic algorithms and quality and quantity of the data. We are collaborating with SmartParks and other experts to develop a reliable AI programme that can scan a set of camera-trap images and identify key features. With machine learning the AI program identifies people and wildlife species, and can separate them into numerous categories. more >>
Brown hyaena killed by vehicle at Möwe Bay
Tuesday 12 September 2023

Between 19h00 and 20h00 on 5 September 2023, Xhb-22 “Ella” was killed by a vehicle on the main road 2 km southeast of Möwe Bay Station (see photo). Xhb-22 was a breeding female of the Möwe Bay Clan and it is a tragic loss. She was fitted with a new GPS radio collar on 25 July 2023 more >>
Fieldwork: July / August 2023
Friday 1 September 2023

Severe weather conditions prevailed as strong east-winds up to 40 knots ripped through the Northern Namib. The Floodplain Pride was observed during the harsh conditions. They used thick vegetation, rock overhangs or caves for shelter against the sandstorms. more >>