
Brave seal pup

Wednesday 21 October 2020

An important lioness has died of natural causes at the age of 14 years. Born during the month of November 2006 the lioness lived in the southern section of the study area covering a home range of 5,000 km2. Her significant lifetime reproductive success contributed to the expansion and re-population of lions to the southern ephemeral river systems more >>

Coastal Movements

Sunday 27 September 2020

Since the recovery of the lion population and their return to utilising the coastal habitat along the Skeleton Coast in 2002, their movements have been restricted to the areas close to the ephemeral river outlets. Lions from four distinct prides utilise the coastal zone and the prides are each associated with one of the four major ephemeral rivers. more >>

A change in the seasons

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Off-road driving that result mainly from uncontrolled tourism and uninformed 4x4 enthusiasts is a major problem in the spectacular and sensitive habitats of the Northern Namib. more >>

More Covid Chronicles

Wednesday 12 August 2020

The Covid Chronicles production team joined Desert Lion Conservation Trust again in the Hoanib area to document the ongoing monitoring of the lion population and fitting of Early warning radio collars. more >>

Attribute to the Hoanib lioness Xpl-69

Monday 10 August 2020

World Lion Day - Attribute to the Hoanib lioness Xpl-69 by Christa and Martin Handl from Namibia more >>

Central & Southern Prides

Saturday 1 August 2020

Desolation Valley The extreme weather conditions continued as the Huab River and surrounding area were surveyed for lion activities. Four days were invested to search for resident lions amid strong winds and dust storms. more >>

Extreme weather

Friday 24 July 2020

The Northern Namib experienced a prolonged period of heat, easterly winds and sandstorms that lasted for days on end. Working under theses conditions has been challenging and exhausting. Even the desert-adapted wildlife species appeared to struggle with the ongoing harsh conditions. Most of the grasses and herbs that germinated after the late rains in April/May 2020 were scorched by the heat and sandstorms. more >>

Breaking: Hoanib Lioness Xpl-69 died

Thursday 16 July 2020

Death of lioness Xpl-69 The Hoanib Floodplain lioness Xpl-69 died at the age of 13.5 years. Xpl-69 was the last direct descendant of the old lioness, the Queen (Xpl-10), and she was born in the Hoanib Floodplain on 1 February 2007. more >>